état d'urgence  2015

installation views

État d'Urgence (State of Emergency) was photographed on November 14 in Paris, one day after the terrorist attacks on the Stade de France, the Bataclan and various bars and restaurants in the 10th and 11th arrondissements. Directly following the attacks, president François Hollande declared State of Emergency and asked the citizens of Paris to stay at home.

That Saturday all public institutions like schools, swimming pools, museums, parks as well as shopping centers, supermarkets, and fairs remained closed. Many shops, restaurants, and art galleries did not open as well. Subsequently the city was empty. Stores that were open had only few customers as did the Paris Métro. In spite of the special situation neither police nor military were visibly present in the streets or stations, therefore the absence of people is the only sign of the State of Emergency.